Numerical study of asymmetric keel hydrodynamic performance through advanced CFD

Dimitrios Mylonas, Serkan Turkmen, Mahdi Khorasanchi

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The hydrodynamics of an asymmetric IACC yacht keel at angle of yaw are presented using simulations performed by advanced computational fluid dynamics using state-of-the-art software. The aim of the paper is to continue working on the improvement of numerical viscous flow predictions for high-performance yachts using Large Eddy Simulation and Detached Eddy Simulation on unstructured grids. Quantitative comparisons of global forces acting on the keel and wake survey are carried out. Qualitative comparisons include flow visualisation, unsteady and separated flow and other features. Star-CCM+ and the trimmed cell method give better forces and wake prediction compared to the unstructured mesh of ANSYS Fluent. Both solvers give good flow visualisation near and far field of the keel.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2013
EventThird International Conference On Innovation In High Performance Sailing Yachts - Cite de la Voile Eric Tabarly, Lorient, France
Duration: 26 Jun 201328 Jun 2013


ConferenceThird International Conference On Innovation In High Performance Sailing Yachts


  • numerical study
  • asymmetric keel
  • hydrodynamic performance
  • advanced CFD


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