Numerical simulation of centrifugal pumps

Matthew T. Stickland, Tom J. Scanlon, Eduardo Blanco-Marigorta, Joaquin Fernandez-Francos, Jorge L. Parrondo-Gayo, Carlos Santolaria-Morros

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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The power computers increase and the specific calculation software development have made possible, nowadays, the numerical simulation of flow and energy transfer inside the turbomachinery. To teach Fluid Mechanics is not easy not only for the professors but also for the students because the theoretical part must be complemented with a technical part where students can see the phenomena. However, specially in hydraulic turbomachinery, we canít see the phenomena except if we have a specific material, for example a PIV. Even if we would have this material, the access to specific parts of turbomachinery is not possible due to its constructive layout. The use of numerical simulation tools allows us to obtain data in inaccessible positions for the experimentation, as well as the study of unusual or dangerous performances. With the numerical simulation, the pressure fluctuation at any point of the pump can be easily obtained. Other important results are the radial forces on the impeller, which have a significant variation with the working points. One of the advantages of this kind of modelling is the ease to carry out changes in the geometry, parametric studies and analysis of anomalous operation conditions.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of ASME 2000 Fluids Engineering Division Summer Meeting
Place of PublicationNew York
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2000


  • centrifugal pumps
  • simulation
  • mechanical engineering
  • fluid dynamics


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