Novel use of existing resources to increase awareness and knowledge of sarcoma amongst health professionals

Ioanna Nixon, Fiona Cowie, Jeff White, Coonoor Chandrasekar

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Introduction: Clinical commitments and limited study leave budgets makes attendance at educational events for healthcare professionals about rare conditions such as sarcoma challenging. E-learning has become an alternative method of healthcare education. BMJ Learning, an online resource, contains a module funded by Sarcoma UK called “Lumps, bumps, and sarcomas: a guide,” which has been available to BMA members since 2014 and has been completed by ~30,000 people. During July 2019(Sarcoma Awareness Month), the module was made freely available to non-BMA members via Athens accounts. Our aim was to get as many healthcare professionals to complete the module as possible and thereby increase the knowledge of sarcoma. Methods: To incentivise staff, we utilised the Beatson Cancer Charity’s sarcoma fund to pay for 3 registrations at the 2020 British Sarcoma Group meeting (total cost=£669). Staff from oncology, paediatric oncology and surgical disciplines related to sarcoma were informed of the chance of a funded place if they undertook the module. Participants were asked to print the completion certificate, specify their professional group (non-consultant doctors,allied healthcare professionals or nurses) and post it in a dedicated post-box. At the end of July, 3 entries were drawn and offered places. Results: 23 people completed the module and there was representation from all professional groups. The average cost per person was therefore £29.09. Conclusions: As 23 people had their knowledge increased and 3 will gain significant development by attending BSG, this appears to be an efficient and cost-effective way of utilising limited resources to promote sarcoma education.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 27 Feb 2020
EventBritish Sarcoma Group Conference 2020 - Glasgow, United Kingdom
Duration: 26 Feb 202027 Feb 2020


ConferenceBritish Sarcoma Group Conference 2020
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • sarcoma
  • awreness
  • health professionals


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