Nonlinear dynamics of triple quantum dot molecules in a cavity: multi-stability of three types of cavity solitons

M. Eslami, G.-L. Oppo

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By numerical simulation of a cavity filled with triple quantum dot molecules under tunneling induced transparency, we show that various regimes of existence of different kinds of cavity solitons are possible. Forming in overlapping regions of a multistable parameter space, cavity solitons in this system exhibit different dynamical behaviors: stationary on a flat background when there is only one cavity soliton branch, oscillating when two cavity soliton branches coexist, and stationary-rambling on a honeycomb background arising from simultaneous presence of a stable pattern and a cavity soliton branch. In particular, we show that three different types of dissipative localized structures can be excited in multistable regions where material coherence is high due to light-matter interaction processes.
Original languageEnglish
Article number125
Number of pages12
JournalEuropean Physical Journal D: Atomic, Molecular, Optical and Plasma Physics
Publication statusPublished - 12 Apr 2021


  • nonlinear dynamics
  • triple quantum dot molecules
  • cavity
  • multi-stability
  • cavity solitons


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