No Longer a Child, not yet An Adult: Young People's Experiences of a Family Member's Imprisonment

Kirsty Deacon

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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An estimated 20-27,000 children experience the imprisonment of a parent each year in Scotland (McGillivray 2016), although no official data is collected on this population. Estimates of the proportion of this figure who are teenagers comes from US research, which places it at 15-40% (Hairston 2007; Mumola 2000). No estimates exist for the numbers of children who experience a sibling’s imprisonment. This group also rarely features in familial imprisonment research, policy, or practice. Another forgotten group is young people who are serving a prison sentence at the same time as a family member, whether in the same prison or in different establishments. This briefing paper looks at all of these experiences.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationEdinburgh
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2019


  • young people
  • imprisonment
  • forgotten groups
  • family relationships
  • prison
  • sibling imprisonment


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