No Bricks in the Wall - Delivering Continuing Professional Development Through Web Technology

R. Mohamed

    Research output: ThesisMaster's Thesis

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    The evolution of Web technology is enabling professional development opportunities to be delivered to a wider audience. Individuals are now able to extend their networking beyond the walls of the organisation in which they work, seeking out and understanding new ideas and opinions. Web technology is facilitating the delivery of continuing professional development to a wide range of professional communities. Individuals are now able to pursue their desired professional developmental goals in a more flexible, efficient and innovative manner than was previously possible. This study examines how continuing professional development can be delivered to a wider audience through Web technology. The key issues surrounding the construction of a successful Web community are examined, along with the tools required to construct a thriving Web community. This study will also examine the application of these issues within the context of a Web community of Scottish computing teachers.
    Original languageEnglish
    Awarding Institution
    • University Of Strathclyde
    Publication statusPublished - 2001


    • web technology
    • cpd
    • continued professional development
    • web communities
    • online communities
    • online learning


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