New Trends in Architectural Education: Designing the Design Studio

Ashraf M. Salama

Research output: Book/ReportBook


This book presents a wide range of innovative concepts and practical ideas for teaching architectural design. It explores different aspects of studio teaching and what impact they have on the attitudes, skills, methods, and tools of architects. It offers a comparative analysis of contemporary trends that are committed to shaping and identifying studio objectives and processes. The book includes five chapters: 1) Introduction: Problems in the Practice of Architecture; 2) The Architect and Society; 3) Design Education and Studio Work in the Conventional Approach; 4) Revolutionary Concepts for Teaching Architectural Design - Design Studio Teaching Models; and 5) Expanding the Knowledge Base in the Architectural Design Studio.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationRaleigh, NC, USA
Number of pages192
Publication statusPublished - Jun 1995


  • architectural education
  • design studio
  • teaching models
  • design pedagogy
  • ethics in architecture


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