New piezocrystal material in the development of a 96-element array transducer for MR-guided focused ultrasound surgery

Zhen Qiu, Roderick Habeshaw, Julien Fortine, Zhihong Huang, Christine Démoré, Sandy Cochran

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

2 Citations (Scopus)


Piezocrystal materials have been recognized as having better performance than piezoelectric ceramics, and have thus been widely adopted in ultrasound imaging arrays. Although their behaviour is susceptible to temperature and pressure, their large electromechanical coupling coefficients and other excellent piezoelectric properties also offer the potential for further improvements in the efficiency of therapeutic ultrasound transducers. Furthermore, new piezocrystals with modified compositions have been developed recently to increase their tolerance to temperature and pressure. In this work, a prototype of faceted bowl transducer was designed and manufactured as a proof of concept to explore practical issues associated with adoption of piezocrystals for magnetic resonance imaging guided focused ultrasound surgery.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication12th International Symposium on Therapeutic Ultrasound
Subtitle of host publicationHeidelberg, Germany, 10-13 June 2012
EditorsStephen Meairs
Place of PublicationMelville, NY.
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event12th International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound Symposium - Heidelberg, Germany
Duration: 10 Jun 201213 Jun 2012

Publication series

NameAIP Conference Proceedings
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics


Conference12th International Society for Therapeutic Ultrasound Symposium


  • piezoelectric materials
  • ultrasonography
  • piezoelectric transducers
  • ultrasonic transducers
  • ceramics
  • 1-3 composite material
  • faceted bowl transducer
  • MRI-guided focused ultrasound
  • piezocrystal
  • therapeutic ultrasound


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