New model for vortex-induced vibration of catenary riser

N. Srinil, M. Wiercigrocha, P. O'Brien

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This paper presents a new theoretical model capable of predicting the vortex-induced vibration response of a steel catenary riser subject to a steady uniform current. The equations governing riser in-plane/out-ofplane (cross-flow/in-line) motion are based on a pinned beam-cable model accounting for overall effects of bending, extensibility, sag, inclination and structural nonlinearities. The empirically hydrodynamic model is based on nonlinear wake oscillators describing the fluctuating lift/drag forces. Depending on the potentially vortex-induced modes and system parameters, a reduced-order fluid-structure interaction model is derived which entails a significantly reduced computational time effort. Parametric results reveal maximum response amplitudes of risers, along with the occurrence of uni-modal lock-in phenomenon.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 2008
EventThe 8th ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium - Bangkok
Duration: 10 Nov 200814 Nov 2008


ConferenceThe 8th ISOPE Pacific/Asia Offshore Mechanics Symposium


  • Catenary riser
  • Vortex-induced vibration
  • Wake oscillator
  • Fluid-structure interaction
  • Reduced-order model
  • Empirical coefficient
  • Uniform current


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