Multi-criteria assessment of optimal upgrading options for water networks

T. Tanyimboh, P. Kalungi, B. Ulanicki (Editor), K. Vairavamoorthy (Editor), B. Butler (Editor)

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

4 Citations (Scopus)


The application of the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) to help select the best option for the long-term design and upgrading of a water distribution network is described and applied to a sample network. The main criteria used are: reliability-based network performance; present value of construction, upgrading, failure and repair costs; and social and environmental issues. The AHP is a versatile and robust tool which can handle both qualitative and quantitative data, based on a simple method of pair-wise comparisons. It has been applied elsewhere on various problems, but not on the long-term upgrading of water distribution networks. Herein, the pipes are sized to carry maximum entropy flows using linear programming while the best upgrading sequence is identified using dynamic programming. The results demonstrate that the cheapest option is not necessarily the best when other factors e.g. performance and socio-environmental concerns are considered in an explicit way.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationWater Management Challenges in Global Change: Proceedings of the 9th Computing and Control for the Water Industry (Ccwi2007) and the Sustainable Urban Water Management (Suwm) Conferences
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 2007


  • analytic hierarchy process
  • water distribution system
  • demand management
  • maximum entropy flows
  • design optimisation
  • water networks
  • reliability and failure tolerance
  • multicriteria analysis
  • rehabilitation and upgrading
  • minimum flow path method
  • net present value


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