Movement Restriction Conditions (MRCs) and Youth Justice: Learning from the Past, Challenges in the Present and Possibilities for the Future

David Orr

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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This paper draws on qualitative and quantitative data from a survey of youth justice practitioners' and managers' experience of the implementation and use of movement restriction conditions (MRCs) in Scotland. It aims: • to review briefly some of the international literature pertaining to electronic monitoring (EM) • to provide an historical overview of the policy and legal developments that enabled EM to be introduced through the Children’s Hearings System (CHS) • to consider some of the learning from practice since 2005 from those who have had responsibility for the implementation of EM arrangements and related packages of support for young people under the age of eighteen. In conclusion, the majority view held by respondents to the questionnaire was that MRCs, combined with intensive support, may help to reduce the frequency and seriousness of a child or young person’s offending behaviour in addition to helping them to address some of the underlying difficulties they experience while facilitating the process of change.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationGlasgow
PublisherUniversity of Strathclyde
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 5 May 2014


  • movement restriction conditions
  • MRCs
  • youth justice
  • youth justice system
  • Scotland
  • electronic monitoring
  • young offenders


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