Modelling of AFM nano robot's friction force on rough surfaces

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Micro/Nano robotics or manipulation of nanoparticles by atomic force microscopic is one of the most important solutions for controlling the movement of atoms, particles and micro/nano metrics components and assembling of them to design micro/nano-meter tools. Accurate modelling of manipulation requires identification of forces and mechanical knowledge in the nano scale which are different from macro world. Due to the importance of the adhesion forces and the interaction of surfaces at the nano scale several friction models were presented. In this research, friction and normal forces that are applied on the atomic force microscopic by using of the dynamic bending-torsion model of atomic force microscopic are obtained based on Hurtado-Kim friction model, Johnson-Kendall-Robert contact model and Greenwood-Williamson roughness model. Finally the effect of standard deviation of asperities height on the normal load, friction force and friction coefficient are studied. Sahoo and et al developed the Adams' model by considering elastic, plastic and elastic-plastic states. Paris and et al by using the Greenwood-Williamson model and Hertz model studied the friction force for a micro component. Several dynamic models are used by researchers to model AFM. In this study the bending and torsion model of AFM is used. Zakeri and et al by using Rump-Rabinovich rough model and torsion-bending model measured the normal load and friction that is needed for pushing of nano particles. Tang and et al studied the friction force for a free standing plate by AFM and modifies Columb's friction model.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 21 Aug 2018
Event9th International Conference on Nanotechnology: Fundamentals and Applications - Madrid, Spain
Duration: 19 Aug 202221 Aug 2022


Conference9th International Conference on Nanotechnology
Abbreviated titleICNFA'18


  • modelling
  • AFM
  • nano robot
  • friction force
  • rough surfaces
  • tribology


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