Modelling impact angle effects on erosion-corrosion of pure metals

B. Jana, M.M. Stack

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

45 Citations (Scopus)


In studies of the effect of erosion-corrosion in aqueous conditions, impact angle effects are frequently ignored. This is despite the fact that erosion has a function of impact angle and can vary frequently depending on the nature of particle/target interactions. In such cases, the impact angle effects may change depending on whether the eroding particle encounters a metallic surface or an oxide film. This work describes extension of a model already developed for erosion-corrosion of Fe to a range of pure metals, Ni, Cu, and Al at a range of pHs. The impact angle effects were estimated based on models from the solid particle erosion literature. The corrosion stability regimes were identified using Pourbaix diagrams for various pure metals. The results were used to generate erosion-corrosion mechanism maps showing the differences in the impact angle effects at various pHs for the pure metals. The changes in wastage regime for the various pure metals as a function of impact angle and pH were demonstrated. Materials performance maps were generated using such models showing how wastage rates may be optimised for exposure to impact angle, pH and electrochemical potential.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)243-255
Number of pages12
Issue number1-6
Publication statusPublished - 2005


  • impact angle
  • erosion-corrosion maps
  • pure metals
  • tribology
  • erosion
  • corrosion


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