Microflow leakage through the clearance of a metal-metal seal

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The motivation behind this study is to simulate high pressure gas flow through the clearance between a valve seat and disc when in a closed position using a representative model. This leakage phenomenon is common in metal-to-metal seal pressure relief valves. As a pressure relief valve reaches the set pressure, it is known for the leakage to increase. The representative model that we studied is of an ideal-gas flow through a 2D micro-channel in the slip flow regime. We used a laminar continuum flow solver which solved the mass, momentum and energy equations. In addition, we applied low pressure slip boundary conditions at the wall boundaries which considered Maxwell's model for slip. The channel height was varied from 1μm to 5μm while the length remained at 1.25 mm, this means the length to height ratio varied from 1250 to 250. Inlet pressure was varied from a low pressure (0.05 MPa) to a high pressure (18.6 MPa), while the outlet remained constant at atmospheric. The calculated mass flow rate is compared to an analytical solution giving very good agreement for low pressure ratios and high length to height ratios.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2016
EventASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference 2016 - Hyatt Regency Vancouver, Vancouver, Canada
Duration: 17 Jul 201621 Jul 2016
Conference number: 2016


ConferenceASME Pressure Vessels & Piping Conference 2016
Abbreviated titleASME PVP
Internet address


  • metal-to-metal seal
  • pressure relief valve
  • leakage
  • microflow modelling


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