Micro-LED based optical wireless communications systems

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

8 Citations (Scopus)


This chapter covers three main parts. First, the characteristics of high-bandwidth micro-LEDs and fast color converters are introduced, including the definition, measurement and research progress of high-bandwidth micro-LED and an overview of research into color-converting materials for VLC, with an emphasis on colloidal quantum dots. Then, a detailed review of micro-LED based high-speed VLC systems is presented. Advanced modulation such as OOK and OFDM, and integrated systems such as micro-LED/CMOS VLC and MIMO VLC system are mentioned. Finally, some novel micro-LED based communication applications such as underwater communication, array-based duplex VLC system, and UVC NLOS communication are presented. The chapter presents a multi-dimensional view of the importance of micro-LEDs for leading-edge applications in visible light communications, from materials and devices to communication systems, providing guidance for the development of micro-LEDs and VLC systems.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationMicro LEDs, Volume 106
EditorsHongxing Jiang, Jingyu Lin
Place of PublicationCambridge, MA
Number of pages41
ISBN (Electronic)9780128230633
Publication statusPublished - 30 Jun 2021

Publication series

NameSemiconductors and Semimetals
ISSN (Print)0080-8784


  • micro LEDs
  • wireless communication systems
  • optics


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