Mediating 'aspirant' religious-sexual futures: in god’s hands?

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This paper explores the construction of vocational and familial futures, in times of 'aspiring', 'post-welfare,' or 'crisis' youth transitions, as mediated by sexual-religious identification. By considering the intersectional relations of both sexuality and religion in constructing young people’s aspirations, the paper highlights pragmatic and caring orientations, including a 'calling' to religion as a site of present-future vocational and familial investment. I challenge the separation of religion and sexuality in youth transitions, and in notions of the 'times we're in' as compelling certain kinds of future-orientated aspirant (and secular) selves. Overall, the article hopes to contribute to theorising the intersection sexuality and religion in further understanding the subversive – and conservative – potential of religious-sexual values and futures. Such orientations interface with aspects of 'getting by' and 'getting on' and at once re-inscribe and stretch normative vocational and familial choices.
Original languageEnglish
JournalSociological Research Online
Early online date14 Mar 2017
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 14 Mar 2017


  • work
  • family
  • youth
  • sexuality
  • sexual-religious identification
  • religion
  • young people
  • religious-sexual values


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