Measurements and modelling of the wideband mobile radio channel in residential suburban environments

M.H. Unar, I.A. Glover

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


A new three dimensional (3D) ray-tracing propagation prediction tool (3D MRT-1) is being developed for characterisation of wideband mobile radio channel. It calculates
the amplitude, phase, angle-of-departure (AOD), angle-of-arrival (AOA), optical path length and received field strength for each valid reflected or diffracted ray path. It also constructs the power delay profile (PDP) and extracts important multipath channel parameters needed in system design such as transmission loss, received power, average delay spread and RMS delay spread. As part of a model validation process, measurements have been made in a residential suburban area of Malvern, UK, at 2.38 GHz.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - Jun 2006
EventPGNet 2006 - Liverpool, United Kingdom
Duration: 26 Jun 200627 Jun 2006


ConferencePGNet 2006
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • power delay profile
  • ray-tracing
  • wideband mobile radio channel
  • modelling


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