Measurement of key species in gas turbine engine exhaust plumes

Research output: Contribution to conferencePoster


The Centre for Microsystems and Photonics has been developing optical fibre sensors for gas diagnostics in harsh environments for over fifteen years. Recently, we have used tunable diode laser spectroscopy (TDLS) to measure gas species, such as water vapour and methane, in high temperature environments, for example aero engine exhausts and solid oxide fuel cells. In order to accurately measure these species at high temperatures using TDLS it is important to accurately understand the temperature dependence of spectral parameters, such as linestrength and collisional broadening. It is also essential to develop signal processing techniques that can provide calibration-free gas concentration measurements in systems with high background noise sources, especially in aero engine diagnostics.

In this work, we will present our high temperature gas spectrometer, used to fully investigate the spectral parameters of the gas species of interest and their temperature dependence. We will provide example spectral data for laser sources in both the near and mid infrared. Furthermore, we will provide some industrial examples of our work on gas diagnostics on aero engine exhaust species and solid oxide fuel cells.

Finally, we will introduce a new EPSRC funded project, ‘Fibre Laser Imaging of Gas Turbine Exhaust Species’. This is a collaborative project with the Universities of Manchester and Southampton that will attempt to develop a two dimensional tomographic image of carbon dioxide concentration levels from the exhaust of an aero engine.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 23 Oct 2012
EventInstitute of Physics - Delivering Future Combustion Technologies Meeting - Lincoln, United Kingdom
Duration: 23 Oct 201223 Oct 2012


ConferenceInstitute of Physics - Delivering Future Combustion Technologies Meeting
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • measurement
  • key species
  • gas turbine
  • engine exhaust plumes


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