Mass media, governance and poverty reduction strategy in Nigeria: a role evaluation

Toyosi Olugbenga Samson Owolabi, Eamonn O'Neill

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Poverty, like an elephant, is more easily recognised than defined. This pitiable condition prevalent in many developing nations of Latin America, Asia and Africa, reinforces the need to examine the interface between the media and poverty reduction in Nigerian. About 75 per cent of Nigerian population, comprising of women, youths and children in both urban and rural areas live without the basic needs of life. Poverty in Nigeria has been attributed to bad governance resulting from prolonged military dictatorship and its inconsistent economic policies. This paper therefore conceptualises the issues of media, governance and poverty as it affects Nigerians and it establishes their inter-relationships. This paper employs the content analysis research method to obtain data from four selected print media in Lagos State using the Convenient Sampling Method. The results of the study reveal that there is urgent need for true community media in Nigeria. National or regional media have been found to be unable to cater for the development needs of Nigeria’s sharply divergent urban-rural populace.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Sustainable Development in Africa
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2013


  • journalism
  • development
  • Africa
  • Nigeria


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