Many roads converge on the same hilltop: children's rights in Scotland

J.M.R. Furnivall, A. Hosie, M.R. Lindsay

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


This chapter focuses on children's rights in Scotland. Overall the book looks at how various European countries have gone beyond incorporation of the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child into their legislation to: foster participation by children and young people in political processes; and involve them in making decisions about how to improve services provided for them. Each chapter addresses common themes. So, taken as a whole, the book builds a picture of how the voice of the child is becoming more influential, not just in the search for more effective services, but also reflecting a fundamental change in the status of children and young people in their relationships with wider adult society. But read individually each chapter provides a snapshot of particular and diverse developments, including: how young people are participating in the design and delivery of the new Connexions service in England and Wales; the experience of young people meeting with MEPs to discuss "An Agenda for Young People"; the struggle to establish the rights of children in state care in Scotland; a major consultation exercise in Northern Ireland; political disenchantment and the development of "Learning Democracy" in German local government; young people researching young people's involvement in formal politics in Amsterdam and Rotterdam; how young people are changing the nature of their own educational experiences in Norway; the children's parliament in Slovenia; how approaches to the development of children's rights vary from city to city in Spain; and the struggle between participation and traditional emphasis on the primacy of the family in Italian social policy.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationHaving their say
Subtitle of host publicationyoung people and participation - european experiences
EditorsDavid Crimmens
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 2001


  • children's rights
  • scotland


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