Low-threshold organic laser based on an oligofluorene truxene with low optical losses

Georgios Tsiminis, Yu Wang, Paul E. Shaw, A.L. Kanibolotsky, I.F. Perepichka, M.D. Dawson, P.J. Skabara, Graham A. Turnbull, Ifor D. W. Samuel

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A blue-emitting distributed feedback laser based on a star-shaped oligofluorene truxene molecule is presented. The gain, loss, refractive index, and (lack of) anisotropy are measured by amplified spontaneous emission and variable-angle ellipsometry. The waveguide losses are very low for an organic semiconductor gain medium, particularly for a neat film. The results suggest that truxenes are promising for reducing loss, a key parameter in the operation of organic semiconductor lasers. Distributed feedback lasers fabricated from solution by spin-coating show a low lasing threshold of 270 W/cm(2) and broad tunability across 25 nm in the blue part of the spectrum.
Original languageEnglish
Article number243304
Number of pages3
JournalApplied Physics Letters
Issue number24
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2009


  • distributed feedback lasers
  • ellipsometry
  • laser tuning
  • optical losses
  • optical waveguides
  • organic semiconductors
  • refractive index
  • semiconductor lasers
  • spin coating
  • superradiance


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