Logik der Heterogenität

Translated title of the contribution: Logic of Heterogeneity

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"People are different from each other." (Sedgwick 1990, p. 22). With this (first) axiom, Eve Kosofsky Sedgwick opens a text that has become one of the cornerstones of modern queer theory: Epistemology of the Closet. In fact, today there is hardly a publication on difference, inclusion or the like to be found that does not come under this general motto. We are all different! has become the unquestioned (and occasionally even unquestionable) leitmotif of all, but above all all educational discussions: the determination of absolute heterogeneity goes hand in hand with the demand for inclusion or an inclusive pedagogy that respects the heterogeneity of all participants and is pedagogically sensitive to them responds. So, at least with regard to the Educandi - the teachers and educators are rarely in focus here. On the contrary, one expects from them a very professional pedagogical practice based on general rules and guidelines, which can and will be questioned, criticized, and judged or condemned precisely on the basis of these general rules and guidelines (as in law, so leads also here the demand for equal treatment of all for the increasing depersonalization of the actors). The determination of the heterogeneity is then usually contrasted with a demand for individualization of the pedagogy, as for example in the handout "Individual support Individualized learning. Orientation principles for dealing with heterogeneity in teaching and school development "by the Hessian Ministry of Education and Cultural Affairs:" But it was not just since this time that - against the background of the increasing and increasingly perceived heterogeneity of schoolchildren - individual support has been seen as a central task of school education. Since then, this has also been reflected in the sub-chapter 2a. listed provisions of the Hessian School Act as well as in various ordinances. "(Hessisches Kultusministerium 2012, p. 10)
That was of course not entirely unprepared: The reform pedagogical insistence on the peculiarity, the differences between children and adults in general and their respective individuality in particular, as well as the generally increasing acceptance and recognition of peculiarities in the educational field (cf. Koerrenz et al. 2017) such queer-theoretical approaches seem entirely compatible. The apparent suitability of this phrase as a fighting term then does the rest to be repeated on all sides.
Translated title of the contributionLogic of Heterogeneity
Original languageGerman
Title of host publicationGlobales lehren, Postkoloniales lehren
Subtitle of host publicationPerspektiven für Schule im Horizont der Gegenwart
EditorsRalf Koerrenz
Place of PublicationWeinheim, Basel
Number of pages15
Publication statusPublished - 16 Sept 2020


  • inclusive pedagogy
  • heterogeneity


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