Local area co-ordination: strengthening support for people with learning disabilities in Scotland

Kirsten Ogilvie Stalker, Margaret Malloch, Monica Anne Barry, June Ann Watson

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This paper reports the findings of a study commissioned by the Scottish Executivewhich examined the introduction and implementation of local area co-ordination (LAC) in Scotland. A questionnaire about their posts was completed by 44 local areaco-ordinators, interviews were conducted with 35 local area co-ordinators and 14 managers and case studies of LAC practice were carried out in four local authorities.The study found both strengths and weaknesses in the implementation of LAC nationally. There was great unevenness across Scotland in the number of local area co-ordinators employed by local authorities and in their roles and remits. Progress incommunity capacity building was slow overall and some managers expressed mixed feelings about LAC's usefulness in a climate of scarce resources. Individuals andfamilies, however, were very appreciative of the support received and there was evidence that LAC had made a positive difference to their lives; for example, inrelation to increased inclusion, choice and formal and informal supports. Various proposals are made for supporting the future development of LAC.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)215-219
Number of pages5
JournalBritish Journal of Learning Disabilities
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 18 Feb 2008


  • local area co-ordination
  • Scotland
  • person-centred support
  • inclusion
  • capacity building


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