Limiting wave conditions for the safe maintenance of floating wind turbines

Brian Jenkins, Arran Prothero, Maurizio Collu, James Carroll, David McMillan, Alasdair McDonald

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This paper investigates the limiting wave conditions at which a wind turbine technician can complete maintenance activities safely and effectively on a 15MW floating offshore wind turbine. Through linear, frequency-domain statistical analysis of floating turbine motion and applying acceptable motion limits for technician working, significant wave height and peak wave period limits are investigated. It was found that over the range of wave conditions considered, the turbine nacelle motion did not exceed the motion limits for technician working considered in this analysis. Further analysis found that the turbine nacelle motion increased with increasing significant wave height and was also significantly influenced by peak wave period. The impact of differing wave characteristics is also investigated through the use of different wave energy spectra and also found to have an impact on turbine nacelle motion.


  • wave conditions
  • wind turbine maintenance
  • offshore wind


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