Legal regulation of adult domestic relationships

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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Returning to a theme featured in some of the earlier volumes in the Edinburgh Studies in Law series, this volume offers an in-depth study of 'mixed jurisdictions' ' legal systems which combine elements of the Anglo-American Common Law and the European Civil Law traditions. This new collection of essays compares key areas of private law in Scotland and Louisiana. In thirteen chapters, written by distinguished scholars on both sides of the Atlantic, it explores not only legal rules but also the reasons for the rules, discussing legal history, social and cultural factors, and the law in practice, in order to account for patterns of similarity and difference. Contributions are drawn from the Law Schools of Tulane University, Louisiana State University, Loyola University New Orleans, the American University Washington DC, and the Universities of Aberdeen, Strathclyde and Edinburgh.This title will be of interest to students of comparative law at senior undergraduate and postgraduate level, academics and researchers and also those who are interested in the mixed jurisdictions for the lessons they offer in the context of harmonisation of private law in Europe.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication Mixed Jurisdictions Compared
Subtitle of host publicationPrivate Law in Louisiana and Scotland
EditorsVernon V. Palmer , Elspeth Reid
Place of PublicationEdinburgh
PublisherEdinburgh University Press
Number of pages27
ISBN (Print)9780748638864
Publication statusPublished - 15 Oct 2009

Publication series

NameEdinburgh Studies in Law
PublisherEdinburgh University Press


  • domestic relationship
  • mixed jurisdictions
  • anglo-american common law
  • european civil law


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