Learning in Justice: ethical education in an extra-curricular law clinic

Donald Nicolson

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

6 Citations (Scopus)


The contributions in this volume suggest that "the ethics project in legal education" is increasingly an international one. Even though the strength of commitment by both the profession and the legal academy to "ethics learning" within law schools varies, two fundamental questions confront all who work in this area. First, what is it that we want our students to learn (or, perhaps, in what manner do we want our students to develop) from the teaching of "legal ethics"? Second, how can we create a learning environment that will encourage the nature and quality of learning we think is important? All the contributors to this volume take a strong stand on the importance of ethical legal practice and the role of law schools in developing students' capacities in this area. They share a belief in the essential need to encourage law students to engage with the moral dimensions of legal practice. The questions that these scholars grapple with are therefore not of the "should we be teaching this?" variety, but "how might we best to go about doing this, so that our efforts within law schools really make some difference?" Each of the chapters in this volume adds uniquely to our understanding of these matters.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Ethics Project in Legal Education
EditorsMichael Robertson, Lillian Corbin, Kieran Tranter, Francesca Bartlett
Place of PublicationLondon
Publication statusPublished - 5 Oct 2010


  • ethics project
  • legal education
  • justice


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