Knowledge organization or information organization: a key component of knowledge management activities

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This paper focuses on the various bibliographic and information retrieval tools and techniques used for information organization, a key activity in a knowledge management process. The paper begins with the existing debate on the very concept of knowledge management, and looks at some recent papers and arguments on this issue. It then briefly discusses how some projects over the past decade or so have used various traditional bibliographic organization tools for providing access to electronic resources. This follows examples of some sophistical information organization techniques used by some speciality search engines. It is argued that these tools and techniques, although are quite useful, cannot be used as such in a knowledge management environment. A generic model of information access in a knowledge management environment is then proposed, and new areas of research, especially in the context of information organization are discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 24 Feb 2004
EventICDL 2004: International Conference on Digital Libraries - New Delhi, India
Duration: 24 Feb 200427 Feb 2004


ConferenceICDL 2004: International Conference on Digital Libraries
CityNew Delhi, India


  • knowledge management
  • information management
  • information organization
  • digital libraries


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