Investigation of wrist and hand function for the improvement of upper limb prosthetic device design

C. Cunha-Matos, F.J. Andrés, S.J. Day, A. Buis

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review

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The development of upper limb prostheses faces many different challenges. Speciically, improvements in device design are urgently required, together with increased personalisation of devices according to patients’ needs and overall device ease of use and affordability. This investigation is part of a project entitled Anthropomorphic Design for Advanced Manufacturing (ADAM) which aims to develop a new Design System for personalisation of upper limb prosthetics using additive manufacturing technology. Here, a novel procedure for acquiring data on the movement features of the sound and prosthetic upper limb will be presented, as input for those design requirements.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages2
Publication statusPublished - 8 May 2017
EventISPO 16th World Congress - Cape Town International Convention Centre, Cape Town, South Africa
Duration: 8 May 201711 May 2017


ConferenceISPO 16th World Congress
Country/TerritorySouth Africa
CityCape Town
Internet address


  • upper limb prosthesis
  • anthropomorphic design


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