Interfaces between SD and ABM modules in a hybrid model

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

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Modelers in various disciplines have applied system dynamics (SD) and agent-based models (ABM) to support decision-makers in managing complex adaptive systems. Combining these methods in a hybrid simulation offers an opportunity to overcome the challenges that modelers face using SD or ABM alone. It also provides a complementary view and rich insight into the problems that modelers investigate. Hence, this approach can offer solutions to a plethora of systems problems. One of the limitations of existing frameworks that guide the process of combining SD and ABM is the lack of detailed guidance describing how the two methods can interact and exchange information. This paper provides guidance for interfacing these simulation modeling methods in a hybrid simulation. In this guidance, we describe interface approaches to exchanging information for different types of information flow between SD and ABM.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationProceedings of the 2022 Winter Simulation Conference
EditorsB. Feng, G. Pedrielli, Y. Peng, S. Shashaani, E. Song, C.G. Corlu, L.H. Lee, E.P. Chew, T. Roeder, P. Lendermann
Place of PublicationPiscataway, NJ
Number of pages11
ISBN (Print)9781665433112
Publication statusE-pub ahead of print - 11 Dec 2022
Event2022 Winter Simulation Conference - Marina Bay Sands, Singapore, Singapore
Duration: 11 Dec 202214 Dec 2022


Conference2022 Winter Simulation Conference
Internet address


  • systems dynamics
  • agent-based modelling
  • hybrid simulation


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