Integrating CMMS, expert systems and BIM for IBS building maintenance

Zul-Atfi Ismail, Ibrahim Motawa

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution book

1 Citation (Scopus)
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Current methods of maintenance management have affected the efficiency of the relevant tasks when applied to the industrialised building system (IBS) for high-rises in Malaysia. Many issues, such as poor service delivery, limited budgets, incompetent staff and defect repetition, have emerged from the use of conventional methods of application (paper-based forms). A total of 73.5% of IBS building maintenance tasks in Malaysia feature the conventional method. Data have revealed that the practice of maintenance management for IBS high-rise buildings needs to be digitalised. Therefore, this paper reviews current practices in maintenance management and develops a Building Information Modelling (BIM) prototype system that addresses problems with to the conventional method to improve the processes of maintenance management. This qualitative research was carried out by conducting a literature review and semi-structured interviews. Eight major maintenance organisations were selected based on the conventional method of practice in managing maintenance for IBS high-rise buildings. The framework was represented in a computer-based prototype system in Autodesk Revit to allow multidisciplinary information to be superimposed onto a digital building model, Microsoft Visual Basic.Net was used as graphical-user interface while Microsoft Access was used for database design to deploy information on maintenance management processes. The computerised system was developed using data flow diagrams and coding. The prototype system was then tested, and the results show that it makes defect diagnosis and decision-making process easier, faster, and cost effective while facilitating the assessment of maintenance, defect diagnosis, and control in relation to components of IBS building structures. In conclusion, the prototype system can improve the effectiveness of maintenance management practices for components of the IBS building structure by reducing the risk of defects in design, such as the design calculation error, to provide high-quality components for the structure to ensure a safe and healthy environment.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAssociation of Researchers in Construction Management (ARCOM)
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the 35th Annual Conference
EditorsChris Gorse, Christopher J Neilson
Place of PublicationLeeds
Number of pages10
Publication statusPublished - 28 Nov 2019
EventAssociation of Researchers in Construction Management: Thirty-Fifth Annual Conference - Leeds, United Kingdom
Duration: 2 Sept 20194 Sept 2019


ConferenceAssociation of Researchers in Construction Management
Abbreviated titleARCOM 2019
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


  • BIM
  • IBS building
  • maintenance
  • decision making
  • diagnosis


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