InGaN-diode-pumped AlGaInP VECSEL with sub-kHz linewidth at 689 nm

Paulo H. Moriya, Riccardo Casula, George A. Chappell, Daniele C. Parrotta, Sanna Ranta, Hermann Kahle, Mircea Guina, Jennifer E. Hastie

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We report the design, growth, and characterization of an AlGaInP-based VECSEL, designed to be optically-pumped with an inexpensive high power blue InGaN diode laser, for emission around 689 nm. Up to 140 mW output power is achieved in a circularly-symmetric single transverse (TEM00) and single longitudinal mode, tunable from 683 to 693 nm. With intensity stabilization of the pump diode and frequency-stabilization of the VECSEL resonator to a reference cavity via the Pound-Drever-Hall technique, we measure the power spectral density of the VECSEL frequency noise, reporting sub-kHz linewidth at 689 nm. The VECSEL relative intensity noise (RIN) is <-130 dBc/Hz for all frequencies above 100 kHz. This compact laser system is suitable for use in quantum technologies, particularly those based on laser-cooled and trapped strontium atoms.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)3258-3268
Number of pages11
JournalOptics Express
Issue number3
Early online date19 Jan 2021
Publication statusPublished - 1 Feb 2021


  • quantum technology
  • cold atoms
  • AlGaInP laser diode


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