Inexact subdomain solves using deflated GMRES for Helmholtz problems

N. Bootland, V. Dwarka, P. Jolivet, V. Dolean, C. Vuik

Research output: Working paper

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We examine the use of a two-level deflation preconditioner combined with GMRES to locally solve the subdomain systems arising from applying domain decomposition methods to Helmholtz problems. Our results show that the direct solution method can be replaced with an iterative approach. This will be particularly important when solving large 3D high-frequency problems as subdomain problems can be too large for direct inversion or otherwise become inefficient. We additionally show that, even with a relatively low tolerance, inexact solution of the subdomain systems does not lead to a drastic increase in the number of outer iterations. As a result, it is promising that a combination of a two-level domain decomposition preconditioner with inexact subdomain solves could provide more economical and memory efficient numerical solutions to large-scale Helmholtz problems.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationIthaca, N.J.
Number of pages9
Publication statusPublished - 31 Mar 2021


  • numerical analysis
  • Helmholtz problems


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