Indoor air quality in low energy homes in Mexico City

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This work looks into the indoor air quality at homes in Mexico City, and the use of the PassivHaus building certification as a way to improve it. For this purpose, monitoring in some homes in Mexico City is being carried out. Low-energy homes often address airtightness as a measurement to assure thermal comfort with the lowest energy consumption possible. But, it is known that air other problems might arise by addressing airtightness; such as ventilation, air pollution and mould. This paper focuses on IAQ and describes the possible implications of IAQ in low-energy homes in Mexico.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages5
Publication statusPublished - 16 Jun 2016
EventXIV Symposium of Mexican Students and Studies - Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Duration: 16 Jun 201618 Jun 2016


ConferenceXIV Symposium of Mexican Students and Studies
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


  • indoor air quality
  • low-energy homes
  • Mexico
  • health and wellbeing on homes
  • PassivHaus


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