Incremental non-equal channel angular pressing - FE simulation

Andrzej Rosochowski, Lech Olejnik

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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Equal channel angular pressing is the most popular process of severe plastic deformation used to refine grain structure in metals in order to improve their properties. One of the features of severe plastic deformation is lack of change of billet's shape and dimensions. However, for practical reasons, departure from this pure definition might be useful. This paper considers a possibility of changing billet's cross section in the first pass of the incremental version of equal channel angular pressing from round to rectangular to avoid material loss when machining the initial billet. The process has been simulated using a finite element program Abaqus. This simulation showed feasibility of the process and provided information regarding tool geometry and required forces.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationESAFORM 2016
Subtitle of host publicationProceedings of the 19th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming
EditorsFrancisco Chinesta, Elias Cueto, Emmanuelle Abisset-Chavanne
Place of PublicationMelville, NY
Number of pages6
Publication statusPublished - 19 Oct 2016
EventThe 19th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming: ESAFORM 2016 - Nantes Congress Center, Nantes, France
Duration: 27 Apr 201629 Apr 2016

Publication series

NameAIP Conference Proceedings
PublisherAmerican Institute of Physics


ConferenceThe 19th International ESAFORM Conference on Material Forming
Internet address


  • severe plastic deformation
  • equal channel angular pressing
  • non-equal channel angular pressing


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