Inclusive curricula (re)design for blended/online learning: a toolkit

Sean Morrissey, Katy Savage

    Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


    This presentation will disseminate the learning and the key outputs of an Advance HE 2020 Good Practice Grant project. The project was carried out by the Academic Development Learning and Teaching team at Strathclyde and involved supporting a cadre of 350 staff to 'pivot' to online learning during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic. It will include a soft evaluation of a series of 'inclusive approach' workshops, and present the key components of a toolkit, whose purpose is to enable colleagues in other higher education institutions to replicate and develop the approach further.


    ConferenceAdvance HE Teaching and Learning Conference 2021
    Internet address


    • course design
    • inclusivity
    • blended learning
    • online learning
    • toolkit


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