Improved cost energy comparison of permanent magnet generators for large offshore wind turbines

Kerri Hart, Alasdair McDonald, Henk Polinder, Edward Joseph Corr, James Carroll

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This paper investigates geared and direct-drive permanent magnet generators for a typical offshore wind turbine, providing a detailed comparison of various wind turbine drivetrain configurations in order to minimise the Cost of Energy. The permanent magnet generator topologies considered include a direct-drive machine and single stage, two-stage or three-stage gearbox driven generators. The cost of energy calculations are based on initial capital costs, the costs of manufacture, installation, operations and maintenance, with particular focus on improved calculations of the annual energy yield with better availability estimations and gearbox loss modelling.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages8
Publication statusPublished - 13 Mar 2014
EventEuropean Wind Energy Association 2014 Annual Conference - Barcelona, Spain
Duration: 10 Mar 201413 Mar 2014


ConferenceEuropean Wind Energy Association 2014 Annual Conference
Abbreviated titleEWEA 2014


  • wind turbine
  • permanent magnet generator
  • direct-drive
  • gearbox
  • cost of energy


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