Impact of spectral effects on the electrical parameters of multijunction amorphous silicon cells

T.R. Betts, C.N. Jardine, R. Gottschalg, D.G. Infield, K. Lane

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper

31 Citations (Scopus)


The influence of spectral variation on the efficiency of single-, double- and triple-junction amorphous silicon cells has been investigated. The average photon energy (APE) proves to be a useful device-independent environmental parameter for quantifying the average hue of incident spectra. Single-junction devices increase in efficiency as light becomes blue shifted, because more of the incident spectrum lies within the absorption window and less in the red/infra-red tail; this is denoted the primary spectral effect. Double- and triple-junction devices also exhibit a secondary spectral effect due to mismatch between the device structure and the incident spectrum. These both reach a maximum efficiency, which drops off as light is red or blue shifted. The effect is more pronounced for triple-junction than double-junction devices, as mismatch between junctions is statistically more likely.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - May 2003
Event3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion - Osaka, Japan
Duration: 11 May 200318 May 2003


Conference3rd World Conference on Photovoltaic Energy Conversion


  • impact
  • spectral effects
  • electrical parameters
  • multijunction
  • amorphous silicon cells
  • amorphous semiconductors
  • ultraviolet spectra
  • spectral line shift
  • solar cells
  • silicon
  • photoconductivity
  • elemental semiconductors


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