Illuminating practice: case studies in community learning and development

A. Barr, P. Taylor, J. Beattie, J. Kennedy, G. Cairns

    Research output: Working paper


    Earlier this year, the Scottish Executive published ‘Working and Learning Together toBuild Stronger Communities’, guidance setting out a long-term framework forcommunity learning and development. The guidance sets out national priorities andemphasises that the Scottish Executive sees community learning and developmentas a key tool in delivering on our commitment to social justice.This collection of case studies complements that guidance. For me, it brings alive theexciting way that community learning and development can make a positive impacton people’s lives and help to close the opportunity gap.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages127
    Publication statusPublished - 2004


    • community learning
    • community building
    • Scottish Executive


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