Hydrogeology and Groundwater Quality Atlas of Malawi: Water Resource Area 10: The South East Lakeshore Catchment

R.M. Kalin, P. Mleta, M.J. Addison, L.C. Banda, Z. Butao, M. Nkhata, M.O. Rivett, P. Mlomba, O. Phiri, J. Mambulu,, O.C. Phiri, D.D. Kambuku, J. Manda, A. Gwedeza, R. Hinton

Research output: Book/ReportOther report

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Groundwater in Water Resource Area 10 is interpreted within the same context as presented in the Hydrogeology and Water Quality Atlas Bulletin publication. A general description of the Hydrogeology of Malawi and its various units is provided here to remind the reader of the complexity of groundwater in Malawi and its nomenclature. The various basement geologic units have variable mineralogy, chemistry, and structural history that may be locally important for water quality parameters such as Fluoride, Arsenic and geochemical evolution. Therefore, translation of geologic units to potential hydrostratigraphic units was based on the 1:250,000-scale Geological Map of Malawi compiled by the Geological Survey Department of Malawi (Canon, 1978). Geological units were grouped into three main aquifer groups for simplicity.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLilongwe, Malawi
Number of pages43
Publication statusPublished - 22 Mar 2022


  • groundwater
  • Malawi
  • deposits


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