Hydrogen Demonstration Project Evaluations: FINAL REPORT for IEA – International Energy Agency HIA – Hydrogen Implementing Agreement Task 18: Integrated Systems Evaluation Subtask B: Demonstration Project Evaluations

Øystein Ulleberg, Hiroshi Ito, María Hildur Maack, Bengt Ridell, Shannon Miles, Nick Kelly, Agostino Iacobazzi, Maria del Pilar Argumosa, Susan Schoenung, Emma Stewart

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


The International Energy Agency (IEA) Hydrogen Implementing Agreement (HIA) has established a task (Annex 18) on “Integrated Systems: Evaluation of Hydrogen Demonstration Projects.” Phase 1 of this task operated from 2004-2006. Phase 2 will continue through 2009. The overall objective of Annex 18 is to provide information on progress in the hydrogen economy. Thirteen countries were formal members of Phase 1 of Annex 18. Theses were: Canada, Denmark, France, Iceland, Italy, Japan, Netherlands, Norway, Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom, United States, and the European Commission. In addition, a Swiss representative sponsored directly by the Hydrogen Implementing Agreement participated in the Annex. There were two subtask groups in Phase 1. Subtask A, Information Base Development has built a series of information or data bases, including national documents, national capabilities, a compilation of demonstration projects, a hydrogen resources technology cost and performance data set, and a set of links to other appropriate sites. Subtask B “Demonstration Project Evaluations” has the overall goal to study and analyze hydrogen demonstration projects currently deployed within the participating countries. In Subtask B modeling tools are used to help guide, assess, and evaluate the overall design and performance of a variety of integrated hydrogen demonstration projects. This report describes the work performed within Subtask B, Phase 1. The general method adopted has been to gather technical and operational data from various stationary hydrogen energy demonstration systems within the Annex 18 membership. Custom made, specific system simulators based on the data collected and a set of known hydrogen energy system models were developed. The data collected from each of these systems was used to verify and improve the models and assumptions used in the modeling tools, and/or to investigate alternative designs.
Original languageEnglish
Place of Publication[S.I.]
Commissioning bodyInternational Energy Agency Hydrogen Implementing Agreement
Number of pages106
Publication statusPublished - 30 Nov 2007


  • hydrogen
  • demonstration
  • evaluation
  • systems


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