Hybrid grid generation for two-dimensional high-Reynolds flows

D. Dussin, M. Fossati, A. Guardone, L. Vigevano

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

37 Citations (Scopus)


An hybrid mesh generation algorithm for two-dimensional viscous flows at high-Reynolds number is presented. An advancing-front method is used close to solid surfaces and in the wake region(s). The boundary layer and wake grids possibly contain both highly stretched quadrilateral and triangular elements. The latter are inserted locally to improve the quality of the grid, thus circumventing some drawbacks of standard structured grid advancing-front methods. An advancing-front/Delaunay algorithm triangulates the remaining portion of the computational domain. An overview of both algorithms is given and results for viscous laminar and turbulent compressible flows around single and multi-element airfoils are shown to support the present approach.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1863-1875
Number of pages13
JournalComputers and Fluids
Issue number10
Publication statusPublished - 2009


  • two-dimensional viscous flows
  • wake grids
  • boundary layer
  • turbulent compressible flows
  • multi-element airfoils


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