Hurricane Katrina: U.S. media professionalism and polarization of attitudes among international journalists

Petya Dimitrova Eckler, Yusuf Kalyango Jr.

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


This study examines polarization effects from the U.S. media coverage of Hurricane Katrina among international journalists across three variables: continents, media types, and ownership. ANOVA results show these variables are key determinants in the polarization of attitudes resulting from the professional norms of accuracy, investigative reporting, and diversity. However, there were no polarization effects in terms of two other professional norms: skepticism and public dialogue. The significance of attitude polarization resulting from journalistic professionalism and the social impact of media coverage in times of disasters are detailed.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 25 May 2008
Event58th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association - Montreal , Canada
Duration: 22 May 200826 May 2008


Conference58th Annual Conference of the International Communication Association


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