HIV-related sexual risk behaviour between 1996 and 2008, according to age, among men who have sex with men (Scotland)

Christina Knussen*, Paul Flowers, Lisa M. McDaid, Graham J. Hart

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Objective: To examine changes in the proportions of those reporting 2+ unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) partners in the previous 12 months among men who have sex with men (MSM) in Scotland between 1996 and 2008. Differences according to age group were also examined. Methods: Logistic regression was used with data from eight cross-sectional anonymous, self-report surveys in commercial gay venues in Glasgow and Edinburgh (N=10 223). Data were stratified according to survey and age group (<25 years vs ≥25 years). Results: The percentage of 2+ UAI partners reported in the previous 12 months increased significantly between 2000 and 2002, adjusted for age group. When the surveys were divided into two time periods (1996-2000 and 2002-2008), no significant differences were found within each time period in the percentage of 2+ UAI partners reported (adjusted for age group). However, a significant increase was found when the aggregated figures for 2002-2008 were compared with those for 1996-2000. At the aggregate level, those aged <25 years were significantly more likely than those aged ≥25 years to report 2+ UAI partners in the previous 12 months (adjusted for survey). Conclusions: HIV-related sexual risk behaviour did not change significantly between 2002 and 2008 among MSM in Scotland, after the increases noted between 2000 and 2002. A significant minority of MSM continue to engage in relatively high levels of sexual risk, and younger generations appear to be at particular risk. This represents a public health concern and highlights the need for targeted age-specific interventions.

Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)257-259
Number of pages3
JournalSexually Transmitted Infections
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Apr 2011


  • sexual risk behaviour
  • HIV
  • men who have sex with men (MSM)
  • Scotland


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