History, Pedagogy and EDI Project Report

Sarah Holland, Adam Budd, Coreen McGuire, Manuela Williams, Simon Peplow

Research output: Book/ReportOther report


EDI is integral to the teaching and making of history.

Between Spring 2021 and Autumn 2023, History UK undertook an EDI pedagogy project including focus groups and contextual literature review work. The objective was to examine how history departments have been affected by wider EDI issues and to identify what curriculum specific EDI work is being undertaken. The result is our History, Pedagogy and EDI report which sets out six recommendations and provides extensive evidence to support EDI work in HEIs.

The production of this report highlighted interactions between the educational landscape and broader societal issues, and revealed the opportunities and challenges this interplay presents for subject-specific EDI work. History UK continue to be committed to EDI work and do not view this report as an end point. The report is the start of a longer-term project to advance EDI in History and has already led to a new HUK History and Disability project. We welcome comments and reflections on the report and suggestions for future work.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages43
Publication statusPublished - 6 Nov 2023


  • history
  • education
  • pedagogy
  • equality
  • equity
  • diversity
  • inclusion


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