Heterogeneous integration of gallium nitride light-emitting diodes on diamond and silica by transfer printing

A. J. Trindade, B. Guilhabert, E. Y. Xie, R. Ferreira, J. J. D. McKendry, D. Zhu, N. Laurand, E. Gu, D. J. Wallis, I. M. Watson, C. J. Humphreys, M. D. Dawson

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We report the transfer printing of blue-emitting micron-scale light-emitting diodes (micro-LEDs) onto fused silica and diamond substrates without the use of intermediary adhesion layers. A consistent Van der Waals bond was achieved via liquid capillary action, despite curvature of the LED membranes following release from their native silicon growth substrates. The excellence of diamond as a heat-spreader allowed the printed membrane LEDs to achieve optical power output density of 10 W/cm2 when operated at a current density of 254 A/cm2. This high-currentdensity operation enabled optical data transmission from the LEDs at 400 Mbit/s.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)9329-9338
Number of pages10
JournalOptics Express
Issue number7
Early online date2 Apr 2015
Publication statusPublished - 6 Apr 2015


  • optoelectronic
  • light emitting diode
  • diamond


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