Helically corrugated waveguide microwave pulse compression experiments

Michael McStravick, Philip MacInnes, Adrian Cross, Colin Whyte, Alan Young, Liang Zhang, Wenlong He, Kevin Ronald, Craig Robertson, Alan Phelps, Sergey V. Samsonov, Sergey V. Mishakin, Gregory G. Denisov, Vladimir L. Bratman

Research output: Contribution to conferencePosterpeer-review


Pulse compression is a well known method of generating high peak-power (GW level) short duration pulses, from much lower average-power, long duration pulses [1]. This poster presents a novel technique for frequency-swept pulse compression, which allows for the generation of short duration microwave pulses, at multi-GW power levels, covering the base theory of operation, numerical modelling and experimental verification of two high-power pulse compressors operating in X-band (8-12GHz).
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages1
Publication statusPublished - 2011
Event38th Iop Plasma Physics Conference - Marine Hotel, North Berwick, United Kingdom
Duration: 4 Apr 20117 Apr 2011


Conference38th Iop Plasma Physics Conference
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
CityNorth Berwick
Internet address


  • pulse compression
  • microwave pulses


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