“Hablando de sexualidad”: una mirada de los padres y las madres a los procesos de formación con sus hijos/ as adolescentes en estratos populares de Cali

Translated title of the contribution: "Talking about sexuality": a look from the parents at the processes of education with their teenage sons and daughters in lower social strata from Cali

Teresita María Sevilla, Linda Teresa Orcasita

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This article takes the results of the investigation project Characterization of knowledge, attitudes and practices in the processes of sexuality formation from parents to teenage sons and daughters in Cali. This phenomenon was approached with special attention to the practices, the topics and resources used by the parents, which is the perspective less taken, as opposed to those used by the youth. Empirical and conceptual aspects were identified in the forms and characteristics of theses processes. It is assumed that there are underlying values and social constructs that transcend the presence of knowledge on the subject and involve historical dynamics of socio-cultural construction. We considered categories such as genre, generational gap and family structure. From a mixed methodology, we can obtain appreciations reported by parents of two educational institutions. A quantitative instrument explored dynamics of family interaction, characteristics of the communication process, knowledge and beliefs around sexuality, sources for consultation, resources and difficulties. Difficulties which the parents identified in the process, regarding the nature of communication with the sons and daughters of the opposite sex, were discussed, also, the lack of information, the influence of other agents of socialization and the cultural referents facing sexuality. The results pointed to the influence of social constructions of sexuality and a clear difficulty from the parents to approach this subject, to keep themselves updated and to overcome their own experiences. A sense of competence is evident, and not one of coherence or synchrony, with the other participants of the socialization process of their sons and daughters. It is recommended to recognize the roles of social structures in the construction and valuation of the roles of genre and the promotion of communication abilities towards the recognition of the other and the strengthening of trust. Spaces for discussion must be generated among the educational and health entities, families and teachers, to generate coherent processes in the valuation, approachment and formation of sexuality.
Translated title of the contribution"Talking about sexuality": a look from the parents at the processes of education with their teenage sons and daughters in lower social strata from Cali
Original languageSpanish
Pages (from-to)191-205
Number of pages15
JournalAvances en Enfermeria
Issue number2
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2014


  • sexuality
  • sexual health
  • communication
  • family
  • adolescence


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