Getting under way: the first phase of implementing the 2007-2013 programmes, review of programme developments: Autumn 2007 – Spring 2008

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


The approval of the National Strategic Reference Frameworks (NSRF) and nearly all Operational Programmes (OP) by the end of 2007 started the implementation process in earnest across the EU Member States. Among IQ-Net partners, the first phase has been spent on awareness-raising activities and programme launch events. Most partners have also managed to get project generation under way. The early results suggest (generally) high levels of awareness and high demand for funds, although challenges remain, not least in terms of generating quality projects. Commitments and payments remain limited, mainly due to the need finalise management and control systems. However, most partners are optimistic with regard to n+2 and financial absorption. Other administrative challenges relate to monitoring arrangements, institutional changes and partnership management. Efforts are also being made to ensure coordination with other programmes, such as those under the Territorial Cooperation Objective, or in other closely linked policy fields, such as rural development and R&D. While the main focus has been on the 2007-13 period, the closure of the 2000-06 programmes continue to require attention, not least due to the approaching deadlines for final payments. Other operational issues include audit and control, as well as EU-level developments such as the ex post evaluation, which collectively ensure that the old programme period remains on the administrative agenda.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages64
Publication statusPublished - 30 May 2008
Event24th IQ-Net Conference - Slaskie, Poland
Duration: 28 May 200830 May 2008


Conference24th IQ-Net Conference


  • territorial cooperation
  • strategic environmental assessment
  • member states


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