Getting back to basics: bimanual interaction on mobile touch screen devices

Bryan Gough Young, Andrew Wodehouse

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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The availability, and popularity, of touch screen tablets is drastically increasing with over 30% of internet users now owning one. However the lack of bimanual interaction in touch screen tablets is presenting product designers with serious challenges. Several attempts have been made to facilitate bimanual interaction in such products but results are not comparable to that of their non-mobile cousins, e.g. laptops. This paper presents the finding of a group collaboration aimed at prototyping a mobile touch screen device which supports bimanual interaction during internet browser navigation through rear mounted inputs. The researchers found it problematic to add basic bimanual interactions for internet browser navigation to the rear of a prototype mobile touch screen device due to issues regarding grip type, finger movement and hand position. This paper concludes that in order to achieve bimanual interaction researchers need to return to basics and consider how to free the hand and fingers from current constraints.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages7
Publication statusPublished - 16 Aug 2016
Event4th International Conference on Multimedia and Human-Computer Interaction - Budapest, Hungary
Duration: 16 Aug 201617 Aug 2016


Conference4th International Conference on Multimedia and Human-Computer Interaction


  • touch screen devices
  • bimanual interaction
  • human computer interaction
  • mobile touch screen
  • prototyping


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