Generation and application of pseudospark-sourced electron beams

A.W. Cross, H. Yin, W. He, K. Ronald, A.D.R. Phelps, L.C. Pitchford

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

92 Citations (Scopus)


A pseudospark (PS) discharge has been shown to be a promising source of high brightness, high intensity electron beam pulses. A PS-sourced electron beam has two phases, an initial hollow cathode phase (HCP) beam followed by a conductive phase (CP) beam. In our experiments, a 22 kV, 50A HCP beam of brightness 10(9-10) A m(-2) rad(-2) followed by a 200 V, 200 A CP beam of brightness 10(11-12) A m(-2) rad(-2) were measured. Experiments have been conducted with the application of a HCP beam in a Cherenkov interaction with no input seed wave and with post-acceleration of the CP beam. In this paper, a new Cherenkov interaction experiment with an input seed wave from a 20 kW, 35 GHz pulsed magnetron has been designed using the same PS HCP beam. Simulation results of the interaction will be presented and further PS electron beam applications will be discussed.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1953-1956
Number of pages4
JournalJournal of Physics D: Applied Physics
Issue number7
Publication statusPublished - 7 Apr 2007


  • plasma sources
  • particle beams
  • atmospheric electricity
  • intense particle beams
  • radiation sources


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